Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about The Effectiveness of the Takamine Guitar...

The Effectiveness of the Takamine Guitar Advertisement The Takamine guitar advert can be viewed as an effective piece of media in an array of different ways. The ways used play on a very unconventional style, which is not often used for a musical instrument. For example most guitar advertisements would use such images as a lead guitarist of a band standing tall whilst making his guitar scream out whilst he is backed by a huge amp or some such and the other. The first thing that this advertising piece has you drawn to is its picture, although on first sight you can’t actually see what it is trying to portray as it is a picture of a girl sitting and staring at a boy who is playing to her in a†¦show more content†¦The background of the image is distorted and blurred so as to show exactly where you should be looking and so draws the attention to the couple and the guitar. Although, the guitar may be key to this picture but the headstock that holds the company brand name is off the view of the lens, this could have been a clever ploy as to make the viewer read on and find out what the brand is. It is always an awfully easy thing to sell a guitar over any other instrument as it is a very glamorous instrument (unlike a bass) and so the people used are also very young and attractive in themselves. This gives a sense of youth to the company and would make them much more appealing to a buyer, especially a first time buyer. Now onto the text: the text used in this piece is very peculiar indeed and for the most of it the idea of the guitar has shifted onto that of a partnering agency. Many of the words used such as â€Å"partner†, â€Å"right for you† and â€Å"wonderful† cast up totally different thoughts from that of a guitar and this is where the adverts key selling point really delivers. It leads on in such a way that you must read on to understand what is actually going on in the advert and leaves you in complete shock at the end when they refer you to go to â€Å"Your local Takamine trader† to

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