Friday, December 13, 2019

City Life vs Country Life Free Essays

Today the city life is more and more stressful, by the minute, however the people who were born and raised in the country are coming to the city, but which is better? It depend on the likes and necessities of that particular person, he or she may only be in the city because they can find much more entertainment and facilities. Meanwhile the country?s advantage consists on the calm and relaxation that it offers to us. For this and more reasons these two places are completely different. We will write a custom essay sample on City Life vs Country Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now To start off the difference between these two places is the nature. In the country everything is natural; there are hardly any buildings, up to now making it difficult to destroy the ecosystem and pollute the nice luxurious air. In the city on the other hand, it is very difficult to see a lot if any trees or a forest area, a fact is that we can see a lot of buildings, smudge, and pollutions. As a result, natural areas are reduced, something that really affects our ecosystem, in the most atrocious way. I’d take the country in this point any day and twice on Sunday. Another difference is the distance between places. In the country people are used to walking to go from place to place over long distance, which is good because it is a great healthy benefit, also in the country traffic jams do not exist. So if you wanted to drive anywhere it’ll take you 30 minutes instead of the 3 hours in the city. Because of the 5:00 rush hour in the city, in which in my most humble opinion is not fun to be in trust me I’ve had my fair share of them. Again the country takes the cake. The next difference is the lifestyle. In the country, people can have a healthier lifestyle. Because of the farming, and there is a very calm place and people have more relaxing situations. However in the city people are always in a hurry rushing from place to place. Nobody has any time to do anything anymore. Nevertheless any of these options to live can be the best according to people’s plans; also it depends on the ideas and jobs of everyone. If they want to relax and let pain just melt away the country is the way to go. But if they prefer a busier schedule and more variety on entertainment, the city no matter how messed up it is the thing for you. How to cite City Life vs Country Life, Essays City Life vs Country Life Free Essays Fatemah Professor English 101 11 November 2012 The City Life Vs. The Country Life Living in certain areas pertains to the likes and needs of certain people. Some have a choice, others do not. We will write a custom essay sample on City Life vs Country Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Two main categories of living are the city and the country life. The city life being loud and exciting is reserved used for people with an on-the-go attitude. The country life on the other hand is in favor of a more calming approach to living. These two areas are different in the aspect of living because of the social outlet, economic quality, and many other reasons. The nature of each area is different in the aspect of its habitat. The countryside is based in a natural setting. There are limited amounts of buildings and open land. On the other hand there is the city life which consists of many buildings scrunched together infused with pollution and over-population. As a result, actual living wins the favor of the countryside for its beautiful open spaces and trees surrounding the territory. Transportation is a big factor of difference for both areas. The idea of walking to places is strange to the city life individual, but in the country life, it’s an everyday thing. Being a healthy factor of walking, the country life gains a recollection of the idea. In contrast, a city has many more things going on so places are spread out drastically so the need for cars, subways, and busses is needed for the busy rush hour of the city life. A large disadvantage of this situation is the pollution level is created with all the happenings of the city. The economics of each area are varied in the fact one is more expensive to live in than the other. On a budget approach, living in the country life is a less expensive route to take while the city life is hard on a person’s wallet. But the fact of the matter is, making a living in the country life may be more difficult because of the opportunities not presented. While the city life has many opportunities to make a living, the country life is a place where you have to be very skilled at a craft. As with everything else, entertainment in both areas is different in the fact of what type of people live in each area. There are more people going to the city to view the artistic and nightlife aspect of living. In the country life, entertainment pertains mostly to outdoor activities that most city folks shy away from. But there is a mixture of people in every area such as the fact many artists themselves stay in the countryside to get a country-styled art going for them, while they may go to the city to see art in a museum or create an urban-styled art. Cities offer a profound amount of entertainment such as the theater, sporting events, and the night life scene. Nonetheless entertainment in each area is varied as how people themselves are varied in lifestyle. A great feature of city life is the culturally diverse populations that have developed over the years. Living in the city means learning and attributing to other cultures. It’s a give and take situation where anyone from anywhere can be your neighbor, your friend, your boss, anyone. The city life is mixed in a way where cultures are preserved for the better. Unfortunately, country life does not provide this facet because of it being smaller social structure; people tend to stick to themselves. Restaurants are by the busload in the city. People in the city do not have time to have that country life attitude of growing off the land. They are always on the hustle and bustle of the city life. The country life is where we get the fresh produce, the fresh air that many desperately need. But it all comes down to the fact what people need. People need to make a living so they sacrifice certain things to gain others. Education is another factor to think about the city and country life. The country life at the top of its structure does not have the same opportunities as that of the city. In the city, you can go to community college; you can go to 4-year universities, vocational schools, skilled schools. There are many options in the city. The country side has a limited resource for the education of children as well as adults. People in the country side tend to have a healthier idea to living that those of city. Due to the calm and more relaxed schedule of the country it paves the way for a living environment but not of â€Å"making a living† environment. In the city, people are always in a hurry due to reasoning beyond measure; the busy scheduling and amount of money to be made is what drives the city individuals to a more aggressive approach. Making a living and living itself are two factors to think about for both areas in the idea of what is needed and what is wanted. In the end it comes down to an individual’s own perspective as to which is better. Do you want to live or do you want to make a living. The answer and question is yours to keep and yours to ask. If you want to live in a calmer more noted area, then chose the country life. But if you like the chaos and rush of the city then chose the city life. How to cite City Life vs Country Life, Essay examples

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